Fieldnotes from the river Amathos: Between the dam and the sea
Photograph series with notes, 2014
Fieldnotes from the River Amathos is a narrative in observational notes and photographs. The complete narrative was made into an unpublished book. A shortened version appeared in the Cyprus Dossier in May 2015. It traces a walk made in late March 2014 between an embankment dam in Germasogeia, Cypus, along a now dry river, under the highway, and into the tourist area of the city of Limassol, where it becomes a parking lot before reaching the sea. The fieldnotes and accompanying images create a picture of modern Limassol, through the transition from rural to urban, along a route which is mostly protected and publicly accessible but never used. The narrative hints at the personality of an author, who has chosen to walk that route. Alluding to the writing of colonial-era explorers, his notes form an inventory of only the things that draw his interest – he pays attention to fly-tipping and machinery, as well as wild flowers and fauna – and not necessarily everything that was there.
See article in Cyprus Dossier 08: Ιστορίες της Κύπρου – Stories of Cyprus:

34º 44' 38.14" N, 33º 4' 59.87" E

34º 44' 37.93" N, 33º 4' 59.41" E

34º 44' 6.84" N, 33º 5' 8.28" E